I’m currently creating a collection of Soul Portraits which stems from a documented and visualized conversation we have for about an hour. You talk, I listen, comment and draw.
That’s the beginning of an email Vanessa of Crafting Connection sent me last week. I immediately replied, saying Yes please, I’d love to experience a Soul Portrait-session!
And today, we had the most wonderful conversation. Centering, to start with, and then we threw away the tether anchoring the boat to the quay, and took off. Sailed across the sea. Going deep, wide and high! Vanessa asking a question, and me dropping down. Into depth. Into insight. Remembrance. Wisdom. Becoming very aware of that infinite wonder of the (always present, but not always perceived) Universal Mind.
A magnificent experience, and you bet I am curious as to what the result might be. In the moments of stillness in-between my sharing, prompted by one of Vanessas very powerful and multifaceted questions, I could hear her drawing, writing, putting what she heard, sensed, felt, down on paper. Pens/Pencils/Crayons on paper – short scratching sounds – telling me something beautiful was being created at her side of this co-creation. And this I know without even having seen the Soul Portrait Vanessa drew during our hour together. I know her work, and I love it. That’s one way I know it will be a treasure she’ll bring me in a week or two, when finished with my Soul Portrait.

But I also know it will be beautiful, because I felt it. I felt the beauty, the serenity, the joy, the uncovering, as we met across time and space – with SKYPE as a medium – souls connecting, far beyond such technicalities.
I exhale, close my eyes, and am instantly brought back to the connection of souls.
The joy and richness of having people like Vanessa in my tribe.
Getting to experience the unexpected. Over and over again.
This time – A Soul Portrait. Next time – who knows?