That cliffhanger.
Time to latch on: I want to do something other than what I’ve been doing for the past 5-7 years when it comes to my creative side, in how (and why?) I share my voice. I have my two blogs, the one in Swedish and this one in English, and even though I write more or less daily on either one of them, I want something to shift. I want to create a space for a community of sorts, a community of people willing to generously participate in receiving and giving #tankespjärn.
There’s plenty of free material/content on my blogs, my pod, on Instagram etc. But I want to give more. Material which dives deeper and invites you to both give and receive #tankespjärn. But also to take part in deeper conversations, around Being and Becoming, on what #tankespjärn might mean for you in living your life, on learning to actively seek the event horizons of life.
I have a Patreon-site in mind and have something of value to offer. I know there’s value to be had. And at the same time, that nagging little shaming voice within tells me to stop immediately, there’s no way anyone would subscribe to this, you haven’t thought it through enough, you need to wait, and prepare much more for it, and plan for how to do what when, and….
I have prepared for it. Ever since I was born, I have prepared for this. In 1999 when I was left by my then-husband while being 9 months pregnant, I started the journey for real, but way before that, I started preparing for this.
I know my stuff.
I have a fair inkling of what I don’t know as well, which is why I want the community.
I want the opportunity to learn and grow, to evolve and expand, in relationship with others.
And if I don’t Do, there’s no way of knowing if it will work, is there?
As a cultivator it comes to my mind that you’ve put that little seedling of yours in soil already, a long time ago. Its ready to grow! The flowering will be an opportunity for lots of people to grow and expand together. Go girl 👍
Oh yes. You have prepared, and you are prepared. Prepared to let those seeds burst into full bloom, for the world to benefit even more from. And oh yes, count me in in that community of yours, precious soul sister of mine. <3
I really really love your committment to your truth, your ideas and your willingness to try out new routes. I am looking forward to hear more about this new step making a community around #tankespjärn. I guess this is a perfect timing to do so – people are, in my opinion, open to try the new, and online is the thing in a time of lockdowns and social distancing. Love !
No, I can’t think of ANY other way to find out, than by doing. So You go gal! And do!!