The bottom line:
When the body is left to its own devices to find a routine that works.
And the moment of realization, that this is what has happened.

My body seems intent on making me get into, and stick to, a new sleeping regime. Or rather. A waking regime, as I’ve yet to stop wrestling with the I’m just gonna… do this too… before heading to bed-pattern that is so ingrained in me. But the funny thing is, regardless of when I finally stop with my this too and get in bed, I wake the same time. At six o’clock, ding, my eyes pop open, and I am ready to go. I’ve been playing with this for a few weeks now, and it hasn’t failed me once (or possibly once, but then again, I had a bit of a head cold then, so that’s fine).

Last night, I got off a Zoom-call at nine-thirty, and knew I s h o u l d head off to bed straight away, but instead, picked up the UFO (UnFinished Object, a classic knitting term…) I had grabbed a hold of just prior to the Zoom-call, having all but forgotten about it (thank God for alarms!). And as I had barely managed to knit one (1!) row before Zooming, I just wanted to knit ooooone more… and then, perhaps, why not, watch another episode of The Handmaid’s Tale? I mean, just one!

If you’ve come to know me at all, you won’t be surprised that just one episode turned into two and a fifth before I finally called it a day, plonking into bed half-past eleven. And then, doing what I always do, I picked up a book to read a few pages. (My reading is going a lot slower these days, as I plonk into bed later and later, having me too tired to read but a few pages.)

And then… d i n g – my eyes pop wide open, and I turn to see what time it is, only to giggle to myself when it reads *drum roll* 6 am. I get up, pee, go downstairs to fetch phone and iPad, standing in the kitchen doing a slow morning Seven of pelvic movements, waiting for the kettle to boil while watching the daily video of the 21-days-ayurvedic-challenge I’ve been participating in for the past three weeks (day 21 tomorrow). Armed with electronic (writing) devices, a cup and a bottle of warm water, I head upstairs, climbing back into bed, for my morning writing, drinking the warmed up water before I do my Wim Hof Method breathing exercise.

Mind reeling, there’s a lot that wants to be written, and I let it flow onto (digital) paper, accompanied by soft music of some kind, and an hour or two easily passes, before I am ready to leave bed and meet the day, full-on.

#tankespjärn, for those who wish to discover. More. Other. New.